Poetry Prose Definition-free e book download-
April 30, 2010
oleh harijogja
Judul : Prose Poem : Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre
karangan : Delville, Michel
Penerbit : University Press of Florida
Jonathan Monroe defines the literary and historical significance of the prose poem as "above all that of a critical, self-critical, Utopian genre, a genre that tests the limits of genre" (16). The prose poem, he adds, "aspires to be poetic/literary language's own coming to self-consciousness, the place where poet and reader alike become critically aware of the writer's language" (3536). By putting the accent on the genre's status as a self-consciously deviant form, Monroe raises the issue of the possibility of a mise en abyme of genericness by an individual literary work. The question, according to Jacques Derrida, becomes whether a writer is actually practicing a genre, so to speak, "from within" or "from without"
What are we doing when, to practice a "genre," we quote a genre, represent it, stage it, expose its generic law, analyze it practically? Are we still practicing the genre? Does the work still belong to the genre it re-cites? But inversely, how could we make a genre work without referring to it [quasi-] quotationally, indicating at some point, "See, this is a work of such-and-such a genre"? Such an indication does not belong to the genre and makes the statement of belonging an ironical exercise. It interrupts the belonging of which it is a necessary condition.
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Ebook ini berisi tentang perjalanan puisi prosa dan puisi pada zaman awal atau pada konsep awal, yaitu padat dan kompak, sangat cocok bagi mereka yang bergelut dibidang sastra.
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April 30, 2010
oleh harijogja
Judul : Prose Poem : Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre
karangan : Delville, Michel
Penerbit : University Press of Florida
Jonathan Monroe defines the literary and historical significance of the prose poem as "above all that of a critical, self-critical, Utopian genre, a genre that tests the limits of genre" (16). The prose poem, he adds, "aspires to be poetic/literary language's own coming to self-consciousness, the place where poet and reader alike become critically aware of the writer's language" (3536). By putting the accent on the genre's status as a self-consciously deviant form, Monroe raises the issue of the possibility of a mise en abyme of genericness by an individual literary work. The question, according to Jacques Derrida, becomes whether a writer is actually practicing a genre, so to speak, "from within" or "from without"
What are we doing when, to practice a "genre," we quote a genre, represent it, stage it, expose its generic law, analyze it practically? Are we still practicing the genre? Does the work still belong to the genre it re-cites? But inversely, how could we make a genre work without referring to it [quasi-] quotationally, indicating at some point, "See, this is a work of such-and-such a genre"? Such an indication does not belong to the genre and makes the statement of belonging an ironical exercise. It interrupts the belonging of which it is a necessary condition.
For download please scroll to bottom of this article and find text DOWNLOAD, CLICK IT AND ENJOY READING this ebook for free.
Ebook ini berisi tentang perjalanan puisi prosa dan puisi pada zaman awal atau pada konsep awal, yaitu padat dan kompak, sangat cocok bagi mereka yang bergelut dibidang sastra.
Untuk download silahkan scrool hingga kepaling bawah dan menemukan tulisan download, klik dan selamat belajar.